Ан-2 bay plane
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Modifications of plane An-2

The table of characteristics of some modifications of plane An-2

Plane An-2 is adapted for performance of various tasks
Also it is applied in following variants:

An-2 (СХА)
The first flight: on August, 31st, 1947.
The first prototype — transport. On August, 31st, 1947 in the city of Novosibirsk the first flight of the plane was executed by the pilot-verifier of Item N. Volodin.

An-2 (СХА-2)
The second prototype — agricultural.

An-2Т (СХА-3)
Transport, post, cargo. It, the elementary variant, a design of the plane in the pure state, without furnish of interior and passenger seats. Suitable for any transportations greatest possible on dimensions and weight of subjects.

Transportation-passenger. Along boards of a fuselage rigid folding seats on 12 passengers are located. In the beginning 60 in Leipzig (GDR) 7 planes which differed rectangular windows, by passenger interior with furnish and soft armchairs are converted.

Transportation-landing. The interior is equipped for 12 parachuters and their cargoes, with benches along boards and with adaptations for landing and dump of cargoes. It is widely applied to training parachuters.

Sanitary. The interior is equipped by places on six bed patients, with two accompanying medical staff.

An-6 «ЗА-ТК»
The first flight: on March, 21st, 1948.
Зондировщик atmospheres. The plane for flight in mountain areas and performance of high-altitude, meteorological, geophysical researches. In front of Kiel the cabin of the observer for achievement of the best review upwards, in the parties(sides) and forward atop of wings has been equipped. On An-6 it is established(installed) two international records of height.

The first flight in April, 1949.
The near night scout, the Night scout and spotter (skilled). Differed the cabin of the navigator glazed by bulletproof glasses in a tail part of a fuselage, armored protection of the engine and a cabin of crew, two-keel plumage. The arms consisted of two 20-mm of guns Б-20, four shone aerial bombs САБ-100-50 or photoaerial bombs ФОТАБ-50-35.

Экранолёт (Flying a plane).

An-2 cartographical
Differed presence of cameras.

An-2 for search iron-ore deposits
Differed presence magnetometers.

An-2 saving
Differed the hatch in a floor in a tail part in length of 2 m and the carriage on rails for moving cargoes to the hatch.

An-2В (An-4)
The first flight: on July, 31st, 1951.
Water. Float a variant on the basis of An-2Т. The seaplane was applied on river airlines. Screw AV-2R with a reverser for reduction of run. Floats onereadanns(однореданные) with water rudders, wholeduralumin (цельнодюралюминиевые).

Forest fire. Float a variant on the basis of An-2Т. A seaplane adapted for suppression of forest fires. Loading of water was made by means of the original device for a set and a pouring out of water. The compartment of floats at start of the plane is filled with water. In flight, water is dumped(reset) through them.

It is made (produced): in the beginning of 1950 under the order of the Ministry of a forestry.
Forest fire (skilled). Differed three cartridges under the bottom wing and a fuselage with glass ampoules on 120 pieces in capacity on one litre with suppressant fire (огнегасящей) a liquid.

An-2 self-years for destruction of susliks
It is developed in the middle of 50th years.
Differed microdoser (микродозировщиком) for dotted рассева the poisoned grain baits.

It is developed in the middle of 50th years.
Passenger. The interior is equipped by soft seats on 12–14 passengers and sound insulation.

An-2 with the equipment of telecontrol by boats-targets
Differed 3 workplaces of operators, structure of the equipment.
It is made(produced) under the order of the Navy.

The aviatrailer for An-2
Flights were spen per 1951.
Flights of the small aviatrailer towed(hauled) An-2, during tests were spent on all modes: rise, ascent, horizontal rectilinear flight, сбрасывание the trailer on low-level flight. Recommendations on the optimal ways of towage have been developed (produced).

It is developed in 1952.
Rural economy (Cельскохозяйственный). It is equipped by a tank for chemical substances in a fuselage, devices for pollination and spraying under the bottom wing and a fuselage.
For landing(planting) to unprepared air stations the cross-country chassis and the plane was established(installed) could run (рулить) and fly up even across furrows (борозд) the ploughed field.

An-2СХ с АПО
It is developed in 1952.
With an aviation fire-prevention sprayer.

An-2Ф (project)
It is developed in 1956.
Self-years of vertical rise (project). Differed additional engine AM-9 in a tail part.

It is made (produced) in 1963.
Anti-aerostatny. Became actually flying laboratory. Differed artillery installation ПВ-61 from 23-mm two-receiver a gun of joint-stock company-9 (ГШ-23).

An-3 (project)
It is developed in 1958.
Anti-aerostatny (project). The first with such name differed engine M-62R with 2 turbo-compressors ТК-19, artillery installation ПВ-61, absence of the bottom wing.

Y-5 «Фонг Шу-2»
Chinese variant An-2. In 1957–1968 was issued in Nanchang,
In 1968–1970 — in Harbin. Since 1970 is issued in Shihchiachuang.

Chinese variant An-2Т.

Chinese variant An-2СХ.

Chinese variant An-2ТД. Differs trailer aerodynamic surfaces on the top wing.

Business class «Interior».

Polish variant An-2СХ. Was issued at factory PZL in Miletse since August, 1960.

It is made(produced): in 1973.
Modification An-2Е has been constructed under the project of group of young experts in Central laboratory new kinds of saving technics(technical equipment) (ЦЛСТ) at ЦС ОСВОД RSFSR under direction of. Item Grunina. It(he) includes some basic components of a variant floating self-summer An-2В, including a forward part of a fuselage, a cabin and engine ASH-62IR, capacity(power) 1000 h.p. which actuates 4-blade the metal screw of a changeable step. An-2Е the cleaned(removed) wheel chassis which enables has to operate (work) from the ground, and also from the rivers, lakes and from coastal waters.

The first flight on May, 20th, 1964.
Modernized agricultural and transport. Differed the absence of the second management increased by vertical plumage, extended by a fuselage modified by a cowl of the engine.
      As agricultural It is the most productive and economic plane in the class. Carried out work: application of fertilizers before crop, top dressing of agricultural crops, pest control and illnesses of fields and woods, with weeds, defoliation a cotton, etc. At removal of the agricultural equipment plane An-2M will quickly be converted in transport.
      In a transport variant interior расчитан on 16 passenger places.

An-2 with the turbo-propeller engine — An-3
The project of the beginning of 60th years.
The first flight on May, 13th, 1980.
An-3 it is self-years An-2 with the turbo-propeller engine. An-3 as well as An-2 it is possible is issued in various variants including float.
An-3СХ — agricultural.
An-3Т — transport.
An-3Т-07 — transportation-passenger. Differs тепло-and sound insulation, facing of interior by decorative panels, 9 folding armchairs for passengers.
An-3Т-08 — forest-patrol.
An-3Т-10 — landing. It is intended for landing 12 parachuters.
An-3ТБК — a business class «interior». Differs rectangular windows with double glasses, presence of a luggage carrier, a wardrobe.

The table of characteristics of some modifications of plane An-2

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